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Buy Proper Cyp 200 - Proper Labs
  • -4,00 €
50,00 € 54,00 €
Testosterone Cypionate: What is it?Testosterone An anabolic steroid produced from testosterone is cypionate. It has a long chain ester that offers a gradual release to keep you active all week long. What distinguishes Testosterone Cypionate from comparable goods?The long-lasting action of the cypionate ester is one of its main distinctions from other...
Buy Proper Enan 300 / Test E - Proper Labs
  • -6,00 €
50,00 € 56,00 €
Testosterone enanthate injections, Enan 300, 10 mlThe injectable steroid testosterone enanthate has a significant androgenic and anabolic effect. Massive gains in strength and muscle mass, as well as an uptick in desire, will be the outcomes. An improvement in stamina has also been noted while taking testosterone enanthate. The activity of satellite...
Buy Proper Prop 100 - Proper Labs
  • -3,00 €
40,00 € 43,00 €
OVERVIEWThe testicles create testosterone propionate, also known as "test prop," which is an anabolic steroid. By supporting sex drive and performance, energy, stamina, muscle mass, bone strength, fat loss, and even heart health, it dramatically improves male health. In terms of emotions, it supports a positive outlook on life and self-assurance. Levels...
60,00 €
Testosterone Propionate 50 Mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate 50 Mg/ml Drostanolone Propionate 50 Mg/ml Active half-life 3-4 days Dosage 300-450MG / WEEKLY Acne Yes Water Retention No HBR Yes Hepatoxity Yes Aromatization Yes Detection time in body 5 months
50,00 €
Boldenone Undecylenate 300 Mg/ml Active half-life 14 days Dosage 400-600MG / WEEKLY Acne Yes Water Retention Yes HBR Yes Hepatoxity Yes Aromatization Yes Detection time in body 5 Months
Buy Proper Sust 250 - Proper Labs
  • -8,00 €
45,00 € 53,00 €
Describe Sustanon.Sustanon is a special combination of 4 different testosterone esters. The testosterone esters isocaproate, decanoate, propionate, and phenylpropionate are used to make this mixture. Both a short-term and long-term testosterone increase is offered by this combination to users. What distinguishes Sustanon from other products?This mixture...
Masteron Enanthate: What is it?Masteron Anabolic steroid drostanolone enanthate is also known as "Masteron" and is the chemical's long-form ester. This implies that compared to steroids with a short-chain ester, the benefits on muscle growth will continue significantly longer. What distinguishes Masteron Enanthate from comparable goods?Compared to its...
Buy Proper Primo 100 - Primobolan 100 - Proper Labs
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Describe Primobolan.Anabolic steroid primobolan is thought to be harmless for the liver and beneficial to females. Additionally, there are rumours that Arnold Schwarzenegger utilised the steroid to reduce body fat when he competed in bodybuilding. What distinguishes Primobolan from other products?Primobolan is incredibly gentle on the body compared to...